Before you start investing, your assets account should have at least 3 months of monthly income or six month money expenses. So psychologically you become more stable and wont affected by stock market fluctuating. If anything happens you know you still can take care of your family at last three to six months.For business owners it is wise to assets account at least 3 years’ money expenses. The reason is if the business fails and the investment don’t make it there will have 3 years for the economy to recover.
If your speculate with the money that you don’t have you are no longer investing.
Before Start Investing make sure that you have adequate health insurance policy. Make sure it covers hospital bills for major and minor accident and daisies. Because you cannot predict what will happened to you in terms of health. So you need to check with your agent, that you need to protection in case of accident and crisis. Before you do any investment you need to educate yourself on those particular areas of investment.
Most of the people out there, see things but not observe there are opportunities under your nose but can’t see them .stock market investing is a game. You call a broker and ask for stock recommendations so he or she will tell that now this company this industry is very hot and your broker firm gives a hot tip for you. Once you get the tip normally chase. Most people spend their entire life after chasing one hot tip after another hot tip. You will feel after that you got burned in investment after chasing hot tips.
Some people chase the next big thing in the Start Investing  such as for this month favor of the month in margin trading and the next month it will change in to forex trading. The month after next it will be CFD. So the people who don’t have good investment knowledge chase the things that promises them get rich quick. The intelligent investor does not chase these things.