If you invested or plan to invest on Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), you need to have a better idea on how this market and system works. Trade information’s related to this companies listed in Share market and pattern of overall Colombo Stock Exchange will offer a better idea on your Investment. There are so many sources available to get this information’s. price information, Market indicators, price indicators and finance reports on Companies are some of the medium to get information’s and to have a better Investment plan on you investment. The easiest way to get access to and get information is “Colombo stock exchange trade summary”. This type of Colombo stock exchange trade summary is normally published on daily English newspapers in Sri Lanka. Normally this Colombo stock exchange trade summary is mentioned in company’s alphabetic format. First start with the company name starts with “A” and later in alphabetic format. This Colombo stock exchange trade summary is also available on Colombo Stock Exchange website (www.cse.lk) too. In Colombo Stock Exchange Trade Summery a symbol was given to listed company, such as
Name of the Company Symbol
As I mentioned on Share market sri lankan company symbol also included a special symbol which we can easily show what type of share is this. If we consider about the Shares SPEN.N0000 Symbol N mentioned this is as Normal Share and in TESS.X0000 Symbol X mentioned as that this share is Non Voting Share. You can see this very clearly from the bellow image.
Colombo Stock Exchange has 294 listed companies and it’s normally now more than 3000 Billion Rupees of Market Capitalization. Normally this Colombo stock exchange trade summary mentioned the most active share trades on that particular day.
The above image mentioned the brief Market Statistics at 07 th January 2015 and the you can see few companies performance on that day. Following are several indicators on Colombo stock exchange trade summary data sheet.
Share Volume: In this section mentioned several shares traded on that day of that company.
Trade Volume: This section mentioned number of traded done on that particular company.
Previously Close (Rs): this is the share price at the closing of previous day.
Open (Rs): Price at opening of the day
Likewise from this Colombo stock exchange trade summary you can have some better idea on how companies do on daily basis. Colombo stock exchange trade summary is also a good source to get a good knowledge on behavior of Sri Lanka’s Colombo stock exchange and investor can get better idea and investment choice on this reports. Colombo stock exchange trade summary is not the only source of information to take investment decisions. There are so many other tools and resources to take this decision and Colombo stock exchange trade summary is one of the information’s which give basic idea on Share market behavior on that day. I will plan to explain more information’s sources and tell how to get better investment decision on scientific analyze methods in my future articles.